Presenter: Mia Crupper, ND
Original Date: April 22, 2017
Keeping abreast of current postpartum hemorrhage management is a critical requirement for the midwifery/out of hospital birth community. Familiarity with manual and pharmacological management supports the development of practice protocols in out of hospital births, ensures informed consent for patients should PPH develop at birth and encourages effective communication between midwifery and obstetrical care providers. Evidence informed resources including but not limited to Medscape, DynaMed and PubMed were used to identify current PPH practices with focus on pharmacology. Management of PPH includes manual therapy, oxygen support, fluid replacement, pharmacology, uterine packing, transfusion and surgery. Updates will improve current practice protocols and encourage knowledgeable support for patients requiring advanced interventions.
1.5 Obstetrics & Pharmacology CEUs approved by OBNM