Connections Between Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy

Presenter: David Berkshire, MAc, LAc

Original Date: April 8, 2017

Classical Chinese Medicine is based on the vitalistic belief that the body has both the spiritual and physical resources within itself to heal. Of all western medical traditions, homeopathy shares this core tenant and the belief that the body just needs to be stimulated to react, and this healing at the level of body, mind, and spirit will occur.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, noted that sometimes patients would relapse into ill health even after apparent cure. He developed the concept of Miasm as an explanation of a hidden chronic disease. The 4 Miasms commonly discussed: Psora, Sycosis, Tuberculosis, and Syphilitic bear some similarity to the 6 conformation theory discussed by Zhang Zhongjing in the Shang Han Lun.

Through comparing these two theories we can expand our ability to diagnose our patients, and further expand our treatment approaches to assist in supporting our patients back to health.

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