Small Fiber Neuropathy: A Closer Look at Neurology and Environment Medicine

Presenter: Jason Porter, NMD

Original Date: March 26, 2023

Dr. Porter has developed insight relevant to EM and neuro-immunological challenges. He will use Small Fiber Neuropathy a guide, to help us study, track and analyze the relationship of neurology and environmental toxicants. Small Fiber Neuropathy (SFN) is a trending subset of peripheral neuropathy present in young patients creating significant disability. The relationship of neurology and environmental toxicity is important as a means of assessing many other illnesses, so this lecture offers an excellent foundation for clinical support of your patients who bring this concern to your practice.

Dr. Jason Porter is a 2003 graduate of the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (recently renamed Sonoran University) in Tempe, Arizona, USA. He is the co-founder of East Valley Naturopathic Doctors and the Brain Regeneration Clinic both located in Mesa, Arizona. Dr. Porter is credited for development of a precision-based clinic for brain rehabilitation and for optimization of peak performance using Biofeedback techniques including EEG targeted Neurofeedback therapy as a Board Certified Neurotherapist (BCN). Dr. Porter has significant advanced training courses relevant to supporting his patients and Dr. Porter’s education and professional training continues through many organizations including the International Society on Neurofeedback and Regulation (ISNR).

In his private practice, Dr. Porter focuses on the treatment and recovery from chronic illness by restoring function to the endocrine, immune, and central nervous systems. He has developed a unique process for evaluating and treating chronic illness, that allows severely ill patients to recover from hopeless and confusing conditions. Dr. Porter has been able to infuse naturopathic medicine modalities with Neurofeedback and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to improve cognition, mood, energy, sleep, and stress response, allowing chronically ill children and adults to return to optimal brain functioning.

Dr. Porter resides in Gilbert, Arizona, USA, with his wonderful wife, five children, two awesome daughter-in-laws, and three very cute grand-daughters.

1.25 General and 0.25 Pharmacology (Total 1.5 CEUs) pending approval by OBNM

Price: $55.00