The Use of Elimination Diets for Mental Health

Presenter: Jamie Menzel, MsCN, CN
Original Date: February 10, 2024

This presentation will explore the fascinating connection between nutrition and mental health, with a special focus on the use of elimination diets to improve symptoms commonly associated with conditions such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Current scientific literature will be explored to discuss the potential benefits of identifying and eliminating dietary triggers that may negatively impact mental health, with special attention paid to the role of chronic inflammation and the gut-brain axis. Alongside the potential benefits, this presentation will also explore the inherent risks associated with restrictive dietary patterns, including the development or exacerbation of nutrient deficiencies and the relatively high potential for the development of eating disorders. This thorough and nuanced presentation will leave symposium attendees with a greater understanding of the impact of dietary choices on overall mental health, as well as increased appreciation for both the utility and limitations of using elimination diets in the prevention and treatment of several common mental health concerns.

1.5 CEUs (including 0.75 Pharmacology and 0.75 General) pending approval by OBNM

Price: $55.00