State of Science on Fat and Metabolic Disease

Presenter: Ryan Bradley, ND, MPH

Original Date: February 13, 2016

The connection between dietary fat and chronic diseases remains controversial. Lipophiles endorse grass-fed animal products and full-fat dairy products, while lipophobes worship raw celery and sea vegetables, and the pales decimate most animals, fatty or not. This presentation provides an evidence-based summary on our current understanding of dietary fat intake and risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Evidence is pooled from basic mechanistic science, nutritional epidemiology and clinical trials of diets of varying fat composition, as well as dietary patterns. Although definitive answers may remain elusive, at the end of the presentation the audience will be able to inform their patients on the state of medical and nutritional knowledge about the risks, and benefits, of the various types of dietary fat, plus how to rise above the controversy and choose a dietary pattern that is risk, and taste, balanced. This presentation also provides an evidence-based update to all types of clinicians regarding how to best advise their patients about dietary fat and the risk of chronic diseases.

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Price: $55.00