Exploration of the Gut-Skin Axis: The Role of the Microbiome, Lipidome and Nutrition

Presenter: Raja Sivamani, MD, MS, CAT

Original Date: February 12, 2017

The connection between the gut and the skin has been explored in traditional medical system for many centuries. Research has started to uncover some of the biochemical mechanisms for how the gut communicates with the skin. The emerging knowledge of the microbiome and the lipid profiles (known as the lipidome) of the gut and skin will be explored. The role of long chain and short chain fatty acids in the gut and their ability to communicate with the skin are discussed along with data on how that affects the skin's sebocytes. Human studies on how foods alter the gut microbiome and the lipidome are presented in the context of practically approaching treatment for chronic skin diseases such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis. Clinical cases are discussed with review of clinical nuances and differential diagnoses along with case management examples. The growth in knowledge of food based approaches for modulation of the microbiome, lipidome, and skin diseases further opens the possibility of integrating these concepts for development of clinical treatment approaches and high-quality collaborative clinical studies.

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