Research Updates in IBS

Presenter: Joshua Goldenberg, ND

Original Date: October 20, 2018

This presentation reviews the latest update from the Bastyr research group and affiliated international naturopathic researchers focused on whole systems naturopathic approaches to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Specifically, one of only a few expert consensus panels on naturopathic medicine was completed recently - The Expert Consensus for Naturopathic Approaches to IBS. A shocking 42 items of consensus were agreed upon leading to a real possibility of an external valid randomized trial of Naturopathic Approaches to IBS in the future. Our progress on the largest international observational study of naturopathic medicine to-date (the IRCNAC-IBS study) and the consortium supporting it – the first ever, international research consortium of naturopathic academic clinics – will be reviewed. Additionally, we discuss findings from the first fully naturopathically designed and executed Cochrane Review – Biofeedback to Treat IBS.

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