Presenter: Jahan Marcu, Ph.D
Original Date: July 10, 2016
Patient Focused Certification (PFC) is a 3rd party certification program focused on Cannabis product safety. PFC was developed by Americans for Safe Access (ASA) a medical Cannabis advocacy organization. ASA set the standards in the U.S. for medical Cannabis product safety and best practices for manufacturing, dispensing, cultivation, and laboratory operations. The PFC program is working around the world to implement existing standards and best practices for patients, providers of medical care, companies, regulatory bodies and legislators.
PFC compliance requires defined processes, documented procedures, validated methods adverse event tracking, recall plans, among other criteria, which help to ensure that Cannabis products have a specific composition and are free of harmful contaminants. PFC’s international program is headquartered at the International Cannabis and Cannabinoids Institute (ICCI) in cooperation with ASA. The ICCI founders share a combined experience that includes clinical and basic research, direct patient advocacy, legislative efforts and studies, government relations, advisory and administration, medical informatics, the creation of product safety protocols such as quality control/quality assurance standards and laboratory analysis for the cultivation, manufacturing and distribution of Cannabis products and global entrepreneurship.
1.5 General CEUs approved by OBNM