Cannabis as an Adaptogen

Presenter: Michelle Sexton, ND

Original Date: July 10, 2016

The concept that Cannabis could be considered a tonic that can restore balance is not a new one, nor one based on “euphoric” bias of the user. The construct of the endocannabinoid system supports that supplementation of this system with phytocannabinoids may be a strategy for imbalance across systems.

Cannabinoids have been shown to modulate a host of potential biomarkers for allostasis: antioxidant capacity, cytokines, nitric oxide, and cortisol regulation. It is by these effectors that the eCS broadly modulates inflammation, neuronal function and metabolism.

Given that our world is synonymous with stress, inflammation associated with stress is a major culprit in reprogramming a host of biochemistry. This talk focuses on clinical management of various presentations of stress-related clinical presentations.

1.0 Pharmacology CEUs approved by OBNM

Price: $35.00