
Presenter: Tyna Moore, ND, DC

Original Date: July 21, 2018

Prolotherapy is an elegant and simple Naturopathic treatment for pain. Naturopathic Physicians have a myriad of powerful tools to manage and help heal patient’s pain. With 1 in 5 patients presenting to any doctor’s office for pain, having an understanding of the mechanism of action and applications of this therapy is an asset in the clinical setting. When addressing general pain it is important to assess and manage more than just biomechanical causes. Inflammation, immune, hormonal and GI contributions must all be considered. When addressing true biomechanical pain, therapies like Prolotherapy are natural, potent and lasting.

Substances like local anesthetics and dextrose injectable will be discussed..

1.5 Pain Management CEUs approved by OBNM

Price: $55.00