The Cumulative Effects of Menopause on Female Health & How to Reduce Associated Long Term Risks

Presenter: Wendy Ellis, ND

Original Date: August 5, 2023

Menopause is not just about hot flashes and night sweats, there are many other health concerns that become greater once estrogen levels fall. With this drop in hormones, we are at a considerable increased risk for heart disease, anxiety & depression, cognitive changes, bone loss and joint pain, weight gain, hair loss, and an overall feeling that things are “falling apart.” As holistic healthcare providers, we can provide support by educating these women on the process, while also providing a wide spectrum of treatment options.

This lecture is intended to help you learn a systemic approach to knowing the risks associated with menopause, but also form a comprehensive approach to helping these women through this sometimes uncomfortable journey. We will discuss important questions to ask, which labs and imaging are helpful and how often you should do them, what supplements are important for women at this age, the types of diet and exercises that are best for maintaining lean muscle mass - and a brief introduction to hormone replacement therapy, including the current long term safety studies for associated risks.

From Dr. Ellis' website: Dr. Ellis is is a seasoned naturopathic physician and educator living in Seattle, Washington. She began practice in 2002, and her clinical experience has taken me from a rural clinic in Nicaragua to a 12-year private practice in Seattle. She has worked for a number of years in the translational science department of a Seattle genetic wellness startup (Arivale), lectured at medical conferences for physicians, and examined data from thousands of individuals to get a better understanding of therapies and lifestyle changes that improve health outcomes over time.

She is inspired to take this knowledge of emerging scientific research and personalized wellness back to my passion: clinical practice. She is also an NUNM graduate.

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Price: $55.00