The Menopausal Metabolic Transition: How Metabolic Flexibility Eases Crossing the Perimenopausal Bridge

Presenter: Bonnie Nedrow, ND

Original Date: March 20, 2022

This presentation will assist the clinician in addressing metabolic diseases commonly encountered in menopausal women including overweight, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and fatty liver. The interactions between metabolism and hormones will be described and a therapeutic approach that includes lifestyle interventions, herbs, nutraceuticals and motivational strategies will be presented. The role of obesogenic chemicals, the risks of rapid weight loss and the importance of detoxification during any weight-loss program will be defined with clinical tools offered to support efficacy and safety of metabolic rebalancing.

1.0 General and 0.5 Pharmacology (Total 1.5 CEUs) approved by OBNM

Price: $55.00