Presenter: Holly Christy, ND, LAc
Original Date: September 25, 2016
Counterstrain is the manual therapy technique that is taking us into the digital age. With it, we can listen to the body and let it tell us where dysfunction lies and go straight to that area and fix it with a beautifully simple technique. The diagnostic cranial scan utilizes motion testing of the cranial bones to distinguish where dysfunction lies in the body - anterior, posterior, trunk, upper or lower extremity, etc. We can determine what system is predominant - neural, arterial, visceral, muscle/tendon/ligament, lymphatic and venous.
The mechanism our bodies use to protect themselves from harm lies within the fascia. The fascia is in every system of the body - dura, epineurium, perineurium, tunica adventitia, periosteum, etc. This mechanism is to contract around the offended tissue and use nearby muscles to splint affected tissue. We can restore function with this technique.
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