Presenter: Dr. Yvonne Kason, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Original Date: September 20, 2020
Dr. Yvonne Kason will describe how person experiences as a young medical doctor introduced her to spiritual experiences: while meditating in 1976 during her final year in medical school, she had what she now knows was a kundalini awakening: then in 1979 during her medical residency, she had her first adult Near-Death Experience in a medevac plane crash, an out-of-body and white-light mystical experience, followed by a psychic awakening of clairvoyance a few weeks later. Not finding a satisfactory explanation for her own “paranormal” experiences in the western medical traditions, she began a quest researching spiritual experiences, drawing from the literature of many faith traditions as well as from transpersonal psychology. Her discovery of the widespread occurrence and lack of understanding about these experiences, propelled her in 1992, to become the first Canadian medical doctor to specialize her practice in the counseling and research of patients with diverse “Spiritually Transformative Experience” (STEs), a term she coined in 1994. STEs include Near-Death Experiences, mystical experiences, spiritual energy or kundalini awakenings, diverse psychic experiences, other death related-STEs, and inspired creativity. Dr. Kason will describe the key diagnostic features of each type of STE, examine their common and often powerful after-effects on the body, mind, and spirit, and review key strategies for counseling persons who have had STEs.
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