Greater Reality Living, Part 2

Presenter: Dr. Mark Pitstick, DC, MA

Original Date: September 20, 2020

That life continues after bodily death has now been definitively demonstrated scientifically by replicated, controlled, multicenter, double-blinded, and peer-reviewed journal published experiments. Dr. Pitstick will discuss the revolutionary research of Gary E. Schwartz PhD, former Harvard and tenured Yale professor and now senior professor at the University of Arizona. Dr. Schwartz directs a team of electrical engineers, software specialists, evidential mediums, and other experts at the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health.

Using a slide presentation, Mark will review the scientific, clinical, and experiential evidence that clearly shows death is not the end of life. He will describe seven different scientific experiments that show the presence of postmaterial persons (so-called ‘deceased’ persons) and their ability to communicate. These experiments reveal aspects of those who have passed on, e.g., their electromagnetic field, light, sound, visual images, and physicality. Mark will describe the SoulPhone Project, the anticipated three commercializable devices, and the current status of post-material communication technology. He will also discuss timelines for public demonstrations and commercialization for mass use.

1.5 General CEUs approved by OBNM

Price: $55.00