Mistletoe and Hellebores Niger – Magical Plants – Modern Medicines

Presenter: Steven M Johnson, DO

Original Date: May 17, 2020

Viscum Album (Mistletoe) is one of the most studied botanicals for cancer application in the world. There are over 100 studies published at this time including several phase 3 studies as well as a phase two trial on John Hopkins School of medicine. Hellebores Niger is well known in botanical medicine and homeopathy and clinical research in Europe is increasing for uses in cancer, rheumatologic and other chronic inflammatory conditions.

In this presentation we will look at the history, biochemistry, physiology and clinical applications of these two plants as well as the applied pharmacy of these preparations. We will also explore how these plants are applied according to principals of herbology, naturopathy, anthroposophic and modern medicine.

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Price: $55.00