Spiritual Assessment in Patient Care, and Understanding ‘Near Death Experiences’: Tools for Clinical Practice

Presenter: Elaine Drysdale, MD, FRCPC

Original Date: September 22, 2019

In clinical care of patients, the spiritual aspects can be easily overlooked, and yet recognition may be central in the patient’s symptom presentation, and in providing optimal care. This presentation focuses on how to assess the spiritual aspects, in practical clinical questions, and in common spiritual themes that may be present in clinical situations.

The presentation discusses “Near Death Experience” elements, comparison to delirium, and the challenges of various biological theories in understanding the “NDE”. It is vital that health care workers can recognize when a patient has had an “NDE,” and not minimize or discount such an important or possibly unexplained experience for the patient. NDE stories can be used to help patients struggling with fear of dying, with grief, with suicidal ideation, or lack of purpose. Finally, understanding the NDE can broaden our perspectives of consciousness; of how we perceive life and death; and how we can come to terms with the end of life for ourselves and for our patients.

1.25 General CEUs approved by OBNM

Price: $45.00