Life in the Balance: Healing Women with Cancer

Presenter: Neil McKinney, BSc., ND

Original Date: March 26, 2017

Naturopathic physicians working with female cancers strive for “Enhanced survival and quality of life for people living with cancer through the integration of naturopathic oncology into cancer care” (Oncanp vision statement). Natural medicines can meld harmoniously with allopathic therapies to reduce harm and increase the potential benefits. Natural medicines can also follow conventional care to reinforce remissions, rebuild genuine health, and to change the dietary and lifestyle contributors to cancer occurrence. This presentation gives specific therapeutics that will allow any naturopathic doctor to better serve their female patients with cancer.

0.5 Pharmacology, 1.0 General (Total 1.5 CEUs)approved by OBNM

1.5 Category B credits approved by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Price: $55.00