Perspectives on Women’s Health and Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy-From 43 Years of Clinical Practice

Presenter: Jonathan Wright, MD

Original Date: March 26, 2017

Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, pioneer in natural medicine and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, presents a multi-topic 4-hour discussion regarding women's BHRT issues, as well as a wide variety of topics specific to women’s health. Topics include the basics of BHRT therapy for women, monitoring estrogen metabolites for efficacy and safety, cobalt and iodine's influences on estrogen metabolization, general discussion of natural treatments for many women's health conditions based on Dr. Wright's 43 years of clinical applications, topical hormone preparations for enhancing the appearance of facial skin, and the use of BHRT to strengthen autoimmunity. Information will be able to be applied by physicians immediately to their menopausal patients, as well as patients of any age.

2.0 Pharmacology, 2.0 General (Total 4.0 CEUs) approved by OBNM

4.0 Category B credits approved by the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Price: $140.00