The Overlooked Tongue: Get This Muscle a Workout!

Presenter: Jessie Black, ND

Original Date: February 16, 2019

The tongue is very important. How it sits in your mouth, how it moves, how much it is used, and its size and shape can have an impact on a variety of health conditions. From EENT disorders to dysbiosis, and from GERD to apnea, examining your patient’s tongue will give you a much greater picture of their GI health as well as how likely they are to have or develop EENT conditions and sleep apnea. Evaluating and treating weak or large tongues in children can help doctors and parents understand the importance of proper dietary hygiene and can reduce patient’s future risk for sleep apnea and EENT conditions. Food introduction and suckling habits in infants can help to mold a patient’s risk for tongue influenced pathologies and starting young with important habits may add years to a child’s life. Our current dietary habits are causing pathology in both young and old and its vitally important to improve muscle tone of the tongue to help ward off future health pathologies.

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