The Spectacular Role of the Human Microbiome in Preventing Endotoxemia

Presenter: Saman Faramarzi, ND

Original Date: February 17, 2019

You are more bacteria than you are human with 10 trillion human cells outnumbered by over 100 trillion bacteria cells in and on your body. The human genome contributes just 1% genetic material to daily metabolic function compared to the 99% that is contributed by the microbiome. An often-overlooked role of the microbiome is to prevent post-prandial endotoxemia and the inflammatory devastation that follows. This lecture will illustrate the danger of having post-prandial endotoxemia and why this condition is being called the number one cause of mortality worldwide as it sets up the body for virtually every chronic disease. This condition is caused by eating and a failure of the microbiome to protect its host from this response. You simply cannot completely correct any chronic condition without addressing post-prandial endotoxemia.

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Price: $55.00